Just me venting

Life goes round and round and round and I’m struggling to keep up.  I do the best I can but I can feel myself slipping… I’m just not as strong as I thought I was. I’m weak, I give into some impulses… I’m just struggling to keep my head above water at this point.  So many are counting on me to take good care of them and I’m trying so hard… I know I’m still dissappointing them all though, just as I am myself.

I know that half the time, torturing myself is what keeps me going but now, I’m kind of too tortured… and I’m really starting to feel the pain.  My heart and soul has been broken for some time and now they are bleeding again… Why can’t I be stronger?

Okay, I guess vent session over…  I’m going to go sulk and watch TV – try to dissappear for a while… hoping to get a tattoo in a month or so… thinking the three-scar heart might be on the menu if I’m still feeling this way by then…  Love can sometimes be the slowest form of suicide…

One Response to “Just me venting”

  1. kristen Says:

    I so understand how you are feeling. i wish i could say it gets better but sometimes i just know it doesnt. all i can say is give it time

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